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Pagination support#68


For example, take in consideration the following bear blog:

When a lot of posts are available to read, the page starts getting too messy. It would be cool if there was a way to navigate through different pages that list different posts

a year ago

I totally agree and was just about to post a request. I just posted a request for an archives page ( which could be a perfect combo, like “View the archive for older posts”.

a year ago

There could be a setting to specify either a timespan or a number of new posts. Every post that exceeds this limit is moved to the archive.

Or, of course, there should be a way to also (or only) manually archive posts.

a year ago

+1. I like bear alot but I imported three years of posts now (of about ten years in total) and the loading time for the blog page is starting to take its time.

8 months ago
Changed the status to
Under consideration
5 months ago
Changed the status to
5 months ago

So happy to see that this is now planned 🤩

5 months ago

Yes. This is good news 👍

5 months ago

My only suggestion with this is perhaps make it opt in, as some people don’t like pagination of any kind. The exception to this would be if leaving it disabled would lead to performance and page load issues with a large number of posts.

5 months ago

As far as organizing your post sheets, I’ve developed a way to do that, yet pagination is going to really help reduce the lag with hundreds of posts.

It should also give us the ability to list different topics on the same page in a way that is “breathable,” as listing too much information on a single page makes me feel claustrophobic:

{​{​ posts| paginate: “true” | count: “3” | tag:”study” }}

{​{​ posts| paginate: “true” | count: “3” | tag:”battle” }}

In the meantime, I recommend using tags to help organize your post lists, and remove the link to Blog in Nav.

This seems to simulate pagination to some degree, and allows you to ensure the posts for the topic you’re setting it to, will match the page the tag is associated with.

I’ve done it with my blog if you’d like an example

I’ve removed “Blog” from the Nav bar (which would list all my posts contiguously), and developed a condensed tag sheet and marked each post applicable to the four pages. If I really need a new topic, I will make a new page for it.

You can follow the guide I wrote: Pages for Tags

Once we have multiple publications per user & tags on export CSVs, I can simply migrate the posts & pages as units rather than picking one by one.

Last thing: Export your post lists every once in a while and save it in a safe place.

4 months ago