API access for:
If this could be compatible with the MetaWeblog or AtomPub interface that would be great. I mention because being able to use Marsedit (Mac app) would be great. Thanks.
Supporting all types of API’s & stuff might be out of scope. But users could write wrappers which adapt other systems with Bear’s API.
I would like this so I can intergrate TinyLetter to send emails every time I make a new post
It would be great to have some kind if API or sync for publishing posts from an editor like iA writer. Writing in a web form is not a great experience, so I write in iA writer, then copy paste over.
An option is to be able to sync the posts folder with a local folder of .md files like dropbox or maybe connect bearblog with github, which in turn the user can store locally (and will include versioning).
I’d appreciate being able to submit drafts via a protocol like Micropub, this would immediately allow writing in an app like iA Writer and submitting from there without copy & paste.
I would love to have the ability to post from iA Writer. It would be easier than copy and paste. If the API included image support, as well, that would be even better.
Planned to under consideration? Doesn’t that mean it’s less likely to happen?
If the concern to implementing an API is around spam, perhaps having it only accessible as a paid feature would eliminate that possibility? Spammers definitely aren’t going to pay for a platform to do it.
Would be good if we can write and upload from a terminal. My vim+tmux is waiting…
Almost every suggestion on here could be solved with a blog API
The Drafts app is my entry to writing, including blogging through APIs thanks to dedicated js scripts. I’m looking forward to using the coming bearblog API (please) ^^