Can the upload functionality of paid accounts be updated to allow web fonts? My research and testing has shown the best performance comes from hosting fonts locally, as opposed to a CDN (the latter of which is the only current way to accomplish this).
Browser tech and HTTP2 speed have boosted performance, without the latency and cost of opening additional connections to a CDN. And woff2 file sizes are minuscule enough if this is already only available as a premium feature.
This would be a very useful addition!
There could be a Font Section for Premium Users where they see all Fonts already available on Bearblog. And their Font Family’s Names to include in their Posts and Pages.
Adding a new Font Family to BearBlog could be done via a Form that asks for the Name and URL of the Font Family to be submitted.
After Submission it is checked by the Admin and added to the list of Available Fonts, if applicable.
(The URL is for bearblog to be able to update Fonts.)
If the Font has a proprietary license, it is still globally listed, but with a hint that you need to acquire a license in order to use it legally.
<<If the Font has a proprietary license, it is still globally listed, but with a hint that you need to acquire a license in order to use it legally.>>
I wonder how do you or bearblog will automaticly know if the font has or hasn’t a proprietary license.
This would also be a nice feature for privacy purposes (versus using Google Fonts by default)
Font uploading is now available in the Media center of your blog. Enjoy :)